Carbonara and Spaghetti:

Carbonara and Spaghetti:

This is my favourite one of all the recipes this week and I even made a little bit extra for my own lunch the next day... How does it go? I'll tell you. 
Now just a little note on the side that I don't actually measure my ingredients and just add as much as I think I need. the picture bellow I didn't add all the ingredients but I will say which ones I used if it does help.


                             ⠂Unsmoked Pancetta
                             ⠂Olive oil
                             ⠂10g of milk

I started by cooking the spaghetti in a different pan. While that is cooking I proceeded to start to cook the unsmoked pancetta. when that is finally cooked I put it in a bowel and start making the sauce in the same pan as I cooked the pancetta, I like using the extra olive oil that the pancetta leaves.

for the sauce I add the milk first, let it cook for a while. when the milk starts bubbling I add the 10g of butter and mix it in well. once the butter has melted I add a little bit of follower. I used 3 spoons of follower. you don't need to put a lot as it only to make it less liquid. once I have mixed in the flower I turn the heat down and put in my cheese. For the cheese I like to use Edam sliced Cheese. I only add 2 slices but Ramiro likes me to add 3, that bit is more of a personal choice when cooking.

once the sauce is done I add the pancetta back into the pan and the spaghetti. this recipe literally took me 30 minuets to make.
