Solid foods? Already?
Hey guys!
So Marley turned 7 months on the 21st of October and the professionals say that a baby at 6 months can start solids. 😲 Well... Marley started a little early on solids. "What!!!" This is because at 3 months I felt he was tired of milk. Did I tell the professionals? No. why? Because they would try to convince me to not feed him solids earlier than 6 months because it wasn't good for them. But a mother knows her baby best and if I didn't feel that he needed to start soon I wouldn't even think of it.
Marley would be spitting his milk up all the time and wouldn't drink all his milk. The first I thought he might have a little stomach bug but it continued and he was only 3 months how could he have that stomach bug? So I tried giving him a little bit of soup and guess what! He didn't spit that up! I wasn't breast feeding anymore and I didn't have anywhere else to turn to so soup was the one. I didn't want to start him on a new milk as I heard of a terrible story from a family friend of mine.
Yes I know stories can be changed so many times and they never come to us as they actually happened but I was scared.
So I started making soup for him at home 👌 and believe it or not he actually like it. Obviously it was a new taste for him and he did make some funny faces but ended up eating it all.
My way of making soup isn't new, anyone can do it! Even a 5 year old. But that 5 year old would have to have an adult helping. 😂
I do different recipes of soup for Marley.
⠂Carrot soup
⠂Carrot and sweet potatoes
⠂Sweet potatoes and salmon
⠂Sweet potatoes, peas and carrots
⠂Salomon, green beans and carrots
There is so much you can mix in the soup starting with vegetables, fish and meant. That will create really good soups that you baby will like and even you might like too! All you have to do at the end is make the soup smooth and not have any bits, if they are used to having bits in the soup you can have little bits of veg that they will learn how to crush with their tong while they don't have teeth.
Marley has now started having little bits in his soup and he loves it. At the start he would spit it out because he wasn't used to it but now he is fine.
with the soup I just add the main ingredients which is the ones listed above and also a little pinch of salt, a little bit of olive oil and onion.
I don't recommend doing what I did by starting solids at a really early age but for my little one I felt that he was ready.
Thanks guys for reading and until next time my loves.
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