Friends become family!

Hey guy!

Let me start by saying I'm not the type of girl to have a big group of friends. Why? well because I like small groups because then there aren't too much fake people around, gossiping about you, here and there... Nope! that isn't for me.

Lets start with my real best friend! 
My best friend of all time and this one I can say she'll never leave me. That person is my mum! She is family and she is also my go to when I am happy or sad or whatever the mood.

Since little we have always loved to dress the same. Just like what we do when we are little with our best friend and me and my mum were just like that and still are. everywhere she went I would be there and I would never leave her for a second. She had me when she was 18 and she would always call me "my little pursed" because I would be everywhere she was.

My mum is the one to go to when I always need help, gives me advices when I need them and tells me off when I need telling off! 
She's like any other mum but she more of a best friend to me. She's been through everything with me. She was there all along at the birth of my son Marley. Sitting beside me all day and night, holding my hand while I was in pain.  She took me to hospital and stayed there and when I would sleep when I had no pain she told me she stayed up worrying because her little girl was about to go trough labour! She would take me to hospital even when there were false alarms of labour. My mum is an angel that is here to protect me from everything and also to teach me things..

My mum would even be there for my friends when they needed her. Some would ask her for advice because they would be to scared to ask their mums. Anywhere I am if you look around I can guarantee that my mum is there too. We don't leave each other for one bit! unless we say its "new family time" and by that means I'll be with my partners family for a while. 😂
I love you mum ❤

I can't remember much about primary school friends. I guess it's because when we are little we don't care about fake people as much as we do when we are adults, we just care about who is your friend at the playground, who is playing with you and who is inviting you round to play or to their party. We don't see much of personalities at that time. We care about what's happening at that exact moment than what's going to happen in a hour or tomorrow or even in a weeks time.
That's why children are the most honest humans there are in my eyes and yes! There are children that lie but that's because of what they are going through or what they have been through and sometimes how their parents trach them, but children will tell you things without thinking one single bit. That's why I think they are the most honest human beings there are.

In high school I've shared some of my story on one of my other post that's called
Depression and school. 
But what I didn't tell you is that I met a friend for life! She is called Ugne. Ugne is from Lithuania and she made me come out of my shell a little bit. I was the shy girl that would always stay away from people so no one made fun of me, even though they wouldn't but I would be scared to be taken fun of. Ugne was only at my school for a few months but those few months I talked to people I never thought I would talk to in my year! I went to "house parties" because of her. Mainly because she also didn't want to go alone... but I must confess if it wasn't for her I wouldn't even go to them and that's because they were the so called popular kids parties and I was no where near to being popular...

Unfortunately Ugne went back to Lithuania and that's when I started hanging around the girls I talk about on the Depression post. We still keep in touch and she is still my best friend. We are the type of friends who don't need to talk to each other everyday to keep a friendship! She's a cool friend! When we have gossip we know who to message 😉😂 The picture bellow is such an old picture! 😂😂😂

Once high school was up I started college.
I had my ups and downs there but one person who changed me and made me look out for myself and stand up for others was my friend Mara. I met Mara in an English class. We started by talking because we had to get to know the people from our table and at that time she thought I was a little stuck up! 😑  But then we started talking and getting to know each other a little bit more and we found out that we were both Portuguese, from that point we became really good friends. She's been there for me and I've been there for her. She's such a hard worker and is there to help anyone. she has motivated so many people including me. She can really be called a GOOD FRIEND.

My second year of college I was in beauty therapy so me and Mara were still friends and we would still talk but we met new friends and kind of distanced from each other but we are back to hanging out with each other again.😂
I met a really sweet couple that until now I call them my brother and sister. They are called Melanie and Frederico. For a while I would go round theirs for us to be in their garage and talk and play card games and just laugh about for few hours. We organised our new years away from our home town. My mum took us all there and left. 5 hours there and 5 hours back! my mum drove 10 hours to make me happy! she also went back to pick us back. Another 10 hours!
Melanie is a really good friend. she always checks up on me. it feel like she also know when I'm down because that's when she always pops ups the most in my messages. 😂 We can laugh about anything and everything and also be really serious if we need to.
Melanie has now gone back to Portugal but whenever I'm there on holiday I go see her.

This year I have met new friends and some I knew but wouldn't talk to. One of them being Soraia. She's an amazing girl
 and she's always down for a night out but most importantly she always down to come over to mine for a girl chat including Mara. I knew her as a friend of mines sister. I would see her in college but because I didn't know her I wouldn't talk so I would just walk by. What I really like about her is that she's friends with everyone, and she won't gossip one bit about anyone she knows. She also looks shy but once this girl is out in the dance floor! there is no way of stopping her 😂 She's amazing!
She's always there and even though she's in university she always has time to visit friends and hang out. she'll find time in her busy schedule which is amazing!

 (picture of Soraia?)
Soraia doesn't like taking picture and the ones we have she never likes them 😂

Someone else who is also family and a good friend to me is my cousin Iara.
Me and Iara have a weird story... We're the same age but when we were children we didn't really talk much. why, well Iara lived a few years in Portugal. when she first came to live here in England we tried to play with each other but I don't know why we hardly talked... 😂 Then we started growing up and she started getting close to people I didn't like so then we literally didn't talk. we would be in family meals and wouldn't even say a single word to each other #facepalm.
Forward a few year and I'm turning 18. that's when me and my cousin start getting along a little bit more. we would go out clubbing and just chat all the time. We even got pregnant at the same time without knowing. Both our pregnancies were unplanned and now we have two amazing children with the same age! 😍 Me and my cousin have grown closer which is beautiful because from two cousin who hardly spoke we are now "best cousins"? if that is even a thing. 😂😂😂

During high school I would see two beautiful girls but I wouldn't talk to them. They were in a much higher year than me and me being a year 7 I wouldn't even talk to the much older students... why? I thought it was scary and I knew they would laugh about why a year 7 is talking to them. So I thought.
Well those two beautiful girls are now two beautiful women. One is called Ana and the other is called Rita.
I would look at Ana and think to myself "I would love to look at her! she is incredibly beautiful" if I can remember right she was nominated the model of the school year of her year at the time. So I want to become a model and I believe Ana did too.. So my mum asked Ana's mum where I could take a modelling course. They talked and talked and now our mums are best friends. Me and Ana are just now slowly getting to know each other but she is an amazing person. She also has a beautiful baby girl
We only have one picture with each other and its on a night out and I don't look too good 😂

Rita was the other beautiful girl I would see, they always hanged around together, Rita has two beautiful boys and I love seeing her videos and picture because in every picture I see her upload I can see her children love what she does for them and I admire her because even though she's got 2 children she didn't stop following her dreams. she has started studying again and that's truly amazing. it just comes to show that you can go back to studying at anytime of your life you just have to follow your dreams.
the little I get to know them their more I enjoy it.

Friends are people that will change your way of thinking and change your life for the better and never for the worse. If a friend is talking you to do something that's not for the better for you, think before you do it. think if its for the better and not for the worst. Friends are meant to be there to help you fight your fears! If it wasn't fo friends where would we be? Who would we be?

Thanks for readying and bye for now my loves!


  1. I do not have words my little pursed 😘simply the tear fell of joy and love
    I love you 😘❤️so much 💕


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